Windsor Show Cancelled / Detroit Show Added

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the show scheduled for February 23rd, 2022 at The Chrysler Theatre in Windsor Ontario has been cancelled. Refunds are available to all buyers at their point of purchase. If you bought online, you should be refunded automatically. Please direct any questions about refunds to the Chrysler Theatre box office.

This is not how we normally like to operate and feel badly putting our our fans who purchased tickets. We’d like to try and do something special for you, so if you bought tickets, email us here with your name, and a proof of purchase to the Windsor show and we’ll be in touch soon with some details.

It’s not all bad news though — today we are also announcing a NEW show at the Royal Oak Theatre just outside Detroit for February 24th, 2022. Tickets for this show, along with new dates announced in Victoria, Mission, Grande Prairie and Thunder Bay go on sale this Friday, July 16th at 10AM local time. TGS Union members will get first crack Tuesday, July 13th at 1PM ET, so make sure to download the TGS Union App for early access.

Please note that tickets for the Windsor show are NOT transferrable to the Detroit show. You will need to get refunded, and purchase tickets to Royal Oak separately.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate everyone’s understanding with this cancellation.

Ian Stanger3 Comments