A Welcome Message From Brett


Hello my friends,

Let me be the first to introduce you to The TGS Union app. Thank you for downloading it and supporting us through these uncertain times. Please be advised that this will be a work in progress both for the band and our team throughout the next year, as we didn’t go to college for computer sciences (I don’t even know if that applies here), and we do not live in Silicon Valley (I can confirm that this is true). 

Why an App? Seriously, how does an app relate to a touring rock and roll band that mostly depends on air being pushed through speakers, and sweat being slung from stage? When our manager came to us with the idea, I would be lying if I thought it was a good one. I kind of thought it would die in a couple weeks, so I looked at him and thought “sure”. First of all, none of my favourite bands have apps. Second of all, I do not like apps. Lastly, what in gods name gives a band like ours the right to try and corral the ever changing, and confusing world of tech and social media? The answers to those questions are still sitting with a jury somewhere, but I will say this: Thank god he’s tried. With the surprise of Coronavirus, the end of touring as we know it for the time being, our extremely poor diligence when it comes to normal social media, the end of our contractual obligations to our label (whom we love, and still work with closely because you cannot separate heart from brain), things are looking a little weird right now. It was simple for a very long time until it wasn’t. Get in the RV…tour…release music. Shotgun was what we thought it was… get in the bus… tour… release music. Now, we are at a crossroads. And I for one am welcoming of the exploration of new terrain. We did alright for a while, but I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a different way, another way, perhaps not better than the way before, but just simply different, and I because of that, I am thankful that Jason and Ian created this app. 

The TGS union app will become the main conduit from band to fans in The Glorious Sons family. There are a number of reasons for this. This app is about becoming artistically independent from outside sources. We are betting on ourselves and hoping that you will help us survive in the modern age. This is simply the removal of the middle man for us. With this app, we can send you songs, play you live videos, talk between one another, receive feedback, organize meetups, share unreleased shit, make merch items together, give you information that others aren’t privy to, and mainly just have fun. It is meant not to be a one way conversation, but an exchange of faith between friends that benefits both. There will be a number of special weekly events that you will not see anywhere else. For example, I will be writing once a week in here (let’s start with that), and I don’t have a clue what I’m going to say yet, it could be poetry, chapters to a terrible novel, song lyrics, essays, etc. It really doesn’t matter. The main thing is that we offer you an experience here that you cannot find anywhere else, so that you continue to support us until the end of our time. 

SO… keep in mind that this is a work in progress, and keep in mind that it's extremely important to us, and we will keep in mind that you don't just want to be talked at, you would like to be talked to. I cannot wait to see what the future holds on this front for us all. Thank you for your time.

Love always, 

The Sons.

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